Oral presentation:


Due to large number of contributions, oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes only including discussion. In order to use efficiently this time, authors are requested to concentrate on the description of the most important parts of their research  ( WHAT kind of research you have done, WHY you have done that work, HOW you have done it and WHAT was the new result). Do not lose your time on long introductions!


Preferred way of presentation is in MS Power Point: Files have to be given to organizers a day before the scheduled talk.


Poster format:

We advice poster contributors to prepare posters that will fit space 100 cm wide, with maximum height of 120 cm.

Submission of papers:


ICNMTA-2004 proceedings will be published by Elsevier Science B.V. in a special issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods B. Preferred length of invited papers will be 6 journal pages and for contributed papers 4 pages.  Every author of the presented paper is required to submit a manuscript at the registration desk until 14.00 pm on Monday, September 13. Authors should submit an original manuscript with publication quality figures, together with two complete copies and in the electronic form as well.


All papers will be refereed according to standards of Nuclear Instruments and Methods B. The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the standards of the journal (see Author Gateway for Elsevier Journals):


Manuscript preparation


Manuscripts should be written in good English. They should be typed throughout with double line-spacing and wide margins on numbered, single-column pages.



Please adhere to the following order of presentation: article title, author(s), affiliations, abstract, PACS codes and keywords, main text, acknowledgements, appendices, references, figure captions, tables.


Corresponding author

The name, full postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given on the first page.


PACS codes/keywords

Please supply one or more relevant PACS classification codes and up to 6 keywords of your own choice for indexing purposes.



References to other publications should be numbered consecutively within square brackets in the order in which they appear in the manuscript, and listed together at the end of the text, as shown in the following examples:

[1] V.I. Shulga, P. Sigmund, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 47 (1990) 236.

[2] H.H. Andersen, H.L. Bay, in: R. Behrisch (Ed.), Sputtering by Ion Bombardment I, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1977, p. 104.

[3] J.F. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack, U. Littmark, The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, Pergamon, New York, 1985.

[4] S.B. Trubin, Investigation of Radiation Gas Evolution from Polyethylene, Dissertation, Sverdlovsk, 1981 (in Russian).

The authors may opt also to give the full titles of papers published in journals. In case, that must be for all journal papers listed.

In case of multiple authorship, all authors should be listed in the references. Only in case of more than ten authors is it acceptable to list the first author 'et al.'



The Publisher requires a set of good quality drawings and original photographs to produce the printed figures.


Line drawings

Line drawings should be 1.5-3 times larger than the printed size. The height of letters and numbers should fall within the range of 1.2-2.4 mm after reduction. Do not use too narrow pen widths for machine-plotted graphs. Shaded areas should be shown by means of cross-hatching or a matrix of dots rather than a continuous grey wash.


Photographs should not already be screened (overprinted with the point matrix used by printers). If necessary the top side of a photograph should be marked.


Length of the printed paper:


Invited papers max. 6 printed pages, Contributed papers max. 4 printed pages

Authors are requested to use  formula below to estimate the length of their paper in print.


Total number of manuscript pages, typed with double line spacing ..... (=A)

Number of one-column tables ..... (=I)

Number of figure panels ..... (=J).


Estimated number of printed pages: 0.4A+0.25(I+J)


For further instructions visit Author Gateway for Elsevier Journals.